SMM IHRC in India
What we do > ASEAN Region > COVID-19 India > Bairam Khan

22.05.2020, with the joint effort of Bairam Khan Gilman anwar and Masoom Raza, volunteer of the International Human Rights Commission, Salam residents living in Chakradharpur city were distributed raw grains today!
Last night our volunteers SMM IHRC Innocent Raza and Gilman Anwar came to know that some families in the city-side Salam township need raw grain to eat and after that today on 22/5/2020 - 14 families who were extremely poor By the way, grains have been made available to the people today!
We are Volunteer's pledge that the applicant will continue to work for human interest as long as possible.

Bairam Khan
I'd card no V713
SMM IHRC in india