International Human Rights Commission
What we do > Africa Region > COVID-19 Nigeria

Humanitarian operations of SMM IHRC Volunteers also started in Nigeria:
Statement from IHRC office in Nigeria.
In our quest to compliment the quality leadership of our world Secretary General prof. h.c. RafaĆ Marcin WASIK and other amiable working committee members of IHRC world Headquarters .
As your official representative in Nigeria I summon today a meeting of our few boards members to discuss the Corona virus and suggest ways to play our humanitarian role alongside with close monitoring of dignity of victims. Also the rights of every one respected.
On that note we have today set up a monitoring team to go round Abuja and Lagos and assist where necessary and report also violations of right of people of Nigeria in the process of either treatment or enforcement of the govt order to lockdown.
Considering our situation in Nigeria where people take advantage of every situation, it would take a team like our to give accurate and unbiased reports.
We can not thank our headquarters enough but we assure you that at the end of our role in this unpresidented corvid 19 our headquarters would have been proud of Nigeria central office

Ambassador Sani Friday
IHRC Nigeria Office