SMM IHRC > Workshops/Training > Africa > Cameroon
Report on an extraordinary meeting with IHRC SMM Volunteers of Cameroon on Sunday 15th,2020.

The Agenda presented ;
- An Opening Prayer
- A word from the MNVC/Peace Ambassador
- Presentation of Progress Report for the past three months
- Difficulties faced by Volunteers SMM and Proposed Solutions
- Proposed projects by Volunteers SMM for the year 2020~2021
- Miscellaneous / Question and Answer Session
- Closing remarks from the MNVC
1:20 pm marked an important call from the Multinational Volunteers Coordinator, Mr.BienvenuHiroua Goare,reminding the necessity for all volunteers to be active than ever before.He emphasized on the role in which the volunteers team of international Human Rights commission plays in the world to make the world a better place for everyone.
He added on the role of the IHRC in state affairs~relative to human rights protection strategies,it is highly important that the IHRC team plays its role in fostering social development.
During presentation of progress by Delegates,the delegates of Yaounde highlighted their role in following up the MOU process.Succesfully,the delegates of Buea where applauded for their efforts in solving a case of arbitrary arrest and detention of some individuals by a group of law and order personnel.they outline some issues in which encounter degree of rate victims for rape,
The MNVC on his part appreciated their efforts but emphasized that volunteers could refer underprivileged to the welfare centre or related organizations and act as middlemen,ensuring that they are of the delegate remarked how is it important to participate in the wonderful IHRC family.

The MNVC, Mr.Bienvenu Goare Hiroua further highlighted the need for the team to adequately prepare against the International Human Rights Day. He added that "volunteers need to put in more efforts when delegated to carry out responsibilities for he betterment of humanity, regardless of the challenges".
A word of special appreciation to madame Holy Anagho for providing the team with a provisional office was highly applauded and recognized.
The team applauded the efforts of the IHRC administration,under the mandate of Prof.Rafal Marcin Wasik and close collaborators, in serving humanity
(Mr.Bienvenu Hiroua Goare)
(Mr.Bienvenu Hiroua Goare)