Sulaiman Ashiru - SMM IHRC-Special Monitoring Mission

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"Because what we do today, we do for Generations"
International Human Rights Commission
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Sulaiman Ashiru

What we do 2020 > Africa Region > Nigeria
Why I Become Volunterr Advocate For Human Rights Through International Human Rights Commission.
I want reflect the minimum standards necessary for people to live with dignity. Because Human rights give people the freedom to choose how they live, how they express themselves, and what kind of government they want to support, among many other things. Human rights also Is guarantee people through the means necessary to satisfy their basic needs, such as food, housing, and education, so they can take full advantage of all opportunities. Finally, by guaranteeing life, liberty, equality, and security, human rights protect people against abuse by those who are more powerful.
“ I want Ensure that a human being will be able to fully develop and use human qualities such as intelligence, talent, and conscience and satisfy his or her spiritual and other, To Outlined in the
International Bill of Rights which Includes,
The right to equality and freedom from discrimination
The right to life, liberty, and personal security
Freedom from torture and degrading treatment
The right to equality before the law
The right to a fair trial
The right to privacy
Freedom of belief and religion
Freedom of opinion
Right of peaceful assembly and association
The right to participate in government
The right to social security
The right to work
The right to an adequate standard of living
The right to education
The right to health
The right to food and housing.
So your rights because of your gender or race?
Human rights don't just happen. People work for them, and often change happens when those who can speak make their voices heard for those who can't. By supporting the cause of human rights worldwide, you bring hope to those without them — through programs that highlight abuses, offer remedies and promote peace with dignity. Imagine a world with human rights for all humans. Make a difference to help those who can't.
Mr. Sulaiman ASHIRU
National Volunteers Coordunator to Nigeria
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