SMM IHRC in Cabo Verde - Distribution of 120 school kits
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Distribution of 120 school kits
Education is the right of everyone and it's our priority at International Human Rights Commission Cape Verde.
In the light of this, the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the International Human Rights Commission Cape Verde distributed 120 school kits to the needy children of 13 de Janeiro School, Palmarejo, Praia, Cape Verde.
It was a successful time for the IHRC volunteers because putting smiles on people's faces is our priority.
If we really care, then we would share.
We will distribute more in other community in the course of the week.
Special thanks to English Development Centre Cape Verde, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Cape Verde, Enya Chinese store in Plateau, Praia, the Pastor of Assemblies of God Church ( Restauração Family Palmarejo) for their selfless and valuable support.
Thanks for putting smiles on every little child's face.
Dr. Princess Adewoyin
National Coordinator ( Cabo Verde) IHRC