„The Dilemma of Fejiro”
Humanitarian > Patronage > Publishing

At the invitation of Mr. Ochuko Patric Otoba, author of „The Dilemma of Fejiro”, Secretary General of the International Human Rights Commission is pleased to personally sponsor his wonderful, wise and very important work. The book will be launched on November 28 in Ughelli, Delta State, Nigeria. The participation of distinguished guests is announced.

Since the personal presence of the Secretary General of the IHRC is impossible at this ceremony, he addressed the illustrious author Mr. Here's a personal message:

Dear Mr. Otoba,
it is a great honor for the International Human Rights Commission under my leadership, and in particular for me personally, to be able to cooperate with You.
Your long-standing activities aimed at not only defending human rights, but above all, dignity, freedom, faith in people and Your own well-being, as well as the most vulnerable in every society, young girls from poor or pathological families. The commodity treated as it, devoid of subjectivity, thrown to the lowest human instincts, all this terrifies. It is terrifying not only by the fact of its existence, but most of all by the mass occurrence and the speed at which this phenomenon spreads all over the world. The wickedness of families allowing their child to be condemned to such a fate, the wickedness of traffickers and the wickedness of people thanks to which all this vile practice is justified. People enslaving young girls solely for their perverted pleasure. Unfortunately, these are often people who are considered stable and decent in their environment, rich and influential. This makes the fight for these young girls very difficult, because tradition, law and, unfortunately, social anesthesia work against them.
These actions cause both me disgust, also because they lower humanity below the level of beastliness. Even animals don't trade their young.
Tormented by these sentiments, with a great inner need to actively oppose this iniquity, we had the honor of gaining a powerful ally. The IHRC recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the great NAPTIP organization, leading the fight against human trafficking not only in Africa, but make a good model for everyone around the world. The irrefutable proof of this is the appointment of her Director General Dame Julie Okah-Donli to the Board of Trustees of the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Traffickingin Persons (UNVTF).
Following the conclusion of the MoU, a team of international IHRC specialists immediately began work on mapping out pathways and programs to combat human trafficking, where the fight against trafficking in young girls is of high importance. For years, we have been actively involved in the search for children missing without a trace during military operations around the world.
Currently, under the leadership of IHRC Commissioner Salvatore Pignataro, a high-class criminologist and investigator within the IHRC Department "Children, Youth and Women", the first one is being created in Italy: "Observatory for Monitoring, Protection and Safeguarding of Children, Youth and Women". It will direct its activities not only to Europe, but also monitor the situation among the incoming migrants. IHRC Commissioner Salvatore Pignataro also has the task of setting up observatories in other parts of the world, training his teams, and overseeing and coordinating their work.
Thus, establishing cooperation between IHRC and You, a person who has been practically dealing with the problem of trafficking in young girls for years, knowing basically everything about it - from the reasons, through the mechanisms of operation of traders, their routes and methods of operation, will prove invaluable. I am convinced that there will be a phenomenon of great synergy when we combine our collective knowledge and strength with the knowledge and strength of organizations and people for whom such a phenomenon as human trafficking under a heavenly sky is a curse.
At the moment, we once again express our sincere admiration for You, Mr. Ochuko Patrick Otoba, a man of great heart and devotion, and thank You for the confidence You have shown by inviting us to fight for the humanity of people all over the world.
Personally, I also thank You for inviting me to the premiere of Your book "The Dilemma of Fejiro". It is with great sadness that I must inform You that due to the pandemic, my arrival will be impossible. However, with Your permission, I will delegate an Ambassador on my behalf, who will proudly represent the start of our very extensive and ambitious cooperation and will give You a proof of my immense respect for You and Your actions.
Personally, I look forward to starting joint projects and, of course, meeting in person such a great and good person as You are
May God watch over You in good times and bad
Stay healthy and safe
Your sincerely devoted
Secretary General IHRC
Prof.h.c. Rafał Marcin Wasik
A native of the Urhobo tribe in Delta State, Nigeria, Mr. Ochuko Patric Otoba is a human rights activist, moral instructor and a philanthropist, working for the wellbeing of the downtrodden and most importantly fighting for the freedom of the "girl child" from a precarious and deadly "child sex trafficking" all over west Africa. Also, is the president of an NGO fighting against the "girl child trafficking" who are entangled in prostitution, girl slaves and illegal drug carriers in west Africa. In addition, his great commitment to the dignity of humanity has inspired me to network with many non governmental organizations to fight against teen prostitution, child slaves and illegal drug carriers in many developing countries.
As he says himself:
"To the glory of Almighty God and to my credit, I have rescued and rehabilitated many "child girl" that were stuck in the deadly "ring of human trafficking". Suffice to say that the fight to eradicate "child sex trafficking" cannot be fought in isolation without working in synergy with relevant international organizations like World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), United Nation For Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Organization For Migration And Human Trafficking and many others civil rights organizations like CDHR, CLO and Amnesty International. Moreover, the book "The Dilemma of Fejiro" subtitled My Mother My Daughter-in-law brings to a great light the level of poverty, social deprivation and moral decadence due to the policy of impoverishing by many leaders in developing countries. It is also a known fact that lack of provision of basic needs like food, shelter, education and healthcare delivery have bastardized and balkanized the social system of many west Africa countries.
"The Dilemma of "Fejiro" as a literature book to be read globally. It is pertinent to say the primary goal of the book is to educate and sensitise innocent "child girl", mostly in developing countries about the danger of "child sex trafficking", and this goal may not be attained without using a world-class platform like IHRC as a vehicle to convey the message to our young population.
This is coupled with the fact that, the book is a wake up call for every responsible government to intensify their efforts in meeting the basic needs of our young population in order to stem the tide of "child sex trafficking" and attain peace in our today's world. It is pertinent to say the primary goal of the book is to educate and sensitise innocent "child girl", mostly in developing countries about the danger of "child sex trafficking", and this goal may not be attained without using a world-class platform like IHRC as a vehicle to convey the message to our young population. This is coupled with the fact that, the book is a wake up call for every responsible government to intensify their efforts in meeting the basic needs of our young population in order to stem the tide of "child sex trafficking" and attain peace in our today's world.
The values this book strives for are close to the heart of the Secretary General of the IHRC and are at the heart of the concerns and activities of the entire Grand Family of the IHRC.
We firmly believe that by distributing Mr. Ochuko Patric Otoba "The Dilemma of Fejiro" both in Africa and in every corner of the world, this world will become much better and much more human.
May Almighty God guide us safely through life and give us the strength to do good for all people and for his glory.
Ambassador at Large
Jaroslaw Tatarowski