SMM IHRC in Italy
What we do > COVID-19 Europe
In commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the Tragic Event of the Earthquake in Southern Italy and Catastrophic in the Land of Irpinia which took place on the 23rd November 1980, the Volunteers of International Human Rights Commission proceeded with the delivery of the Certificates of Appreciation to reward those Associations, Persons or Interested Groups that with solidarity and spontaneous behavior, have dedicated or will continue to dedicate their commitment in favor of civil society, helping those who have come to find themselves in situations, in the particularity of the moment, when the whole world is grappling with the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The task was fulfilled in an honorable way, by the Mayor of the Pleasant town of Irpinia: Dr. Rizieri Rino Buonopane.
At the event, a good sensitization about IHRC was delivered to enlighten the people and engage participation in sustainable development.
Recall that IHRC is the International Human Rights Commission, an International Organization that has several objectives including to protect life, uphold human rights, according to the principles contained and cited in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, in the 3rd session, 12/12/1948 in Paris, with resolution 219077.
Also, IHRC aims to restore dignity, organize humanitarian aid, organize assistance to minorities, and provide volunteer activities across the globe.
And today, I have come in carrying out my functions as IHRC Fiduciary for the Campania Region. At best, I distributed and entrusted the figure of IHRC Volunteer in the Irpinia Area to Cav. Gerardo Iannella for Montella Office, Peppino Feast for Montefalcione Cav., Gerardino Monti for Montemarano Cav., Gerardo Raimo for Volturara Irpina; charging them independently to report to me Associations, Bodies or Persons with proven meritorious actions in the fight against COVID-19.
I highlighted all known people who have proven meritorious actions in the period from the COVID-19 Pandemic and awarded them with the IHRC Certificate of Appreciation.
Amongst whom are OMRI and Members of the UNIMRI Montella Section to report: Municipal Police Corps of Montella Fraternity of Mercy, Fratres Blood Donors, Civil Protection, AZ. AGR, and Salvatore Malerba to collect our "Certificates of Appreciation" For the Municipal Police, C.te Cav. Iannella For Mercy Governor F. Lombardi For the Fratres the President can. Fulvio Lenzi For the Civil Protection the President D'aniello For the Az. Agr. S. Malerba Rita Malerba.
We thank the Mayor Dr. Rino Buonopane for the availability.
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Photo Credit:
Foto Pietro Sica