International Round Table - SMM IHRC-Special Monitoring Mission

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International Round Table

Cooperation > Conference
21, 2015 in the completion of a joint project of the International Human Rights Commission and the Academy of Modern Policy on preparation of observers to the local elections in Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada held an international roundtable "Challenges to political education and professional monitoring of the electoral process"
Welcome speech to the participants of the round table was made by Kiperman Yuri Moiseevich, Deputy Secretary-General of the International Commission on Human Rights, Ambassador at Large in Europe.
The participants of the round table also addressed the People's Deputy of Ukraine Oleh Musiy VIII convocation Oleg Stepanovich.
The round table was attended by:
- Tamara Zykov, director of the International Fund "Ukraine Save Now", which conveyed greetings to the participants of the project and round table from a group of US congressmen in the face of Congressman Marcy Kaptur with wishes for further cooperation with the project.
- Mrs. Marta Dyczok (Canada), PhD, Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario (Canada), an expert on international politics, history and media with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe, particularly Ukraine, which highlighted the role of media education in electoral processes as an integral part political education.
- Paly Alexander A.,Ph.D.., Political experts who spoke about the impact of decentralization on public requests for political education
- Vyacheslav Solovyov Pavlovic, prof., Deputy Director for Science Research Center scientific and technical potential and history of science it. M. Dobrov NASU, consultant of the Committee on Science and Education of the Verkhovna Rada, which touched on the question of innovative models of development economics as a component part of the political world.
- Nikolai Tikhonov, expert of the Center for Political Innovation has affected the Strait of requests to the level of political literacy in the way of politics.
- Mr.Reno Domenico (USA), Chairman of the Committee "Democrats Abroad", the president of Sterling Business School and member of the international observation missions of electoral processes in the United States, the EU and Ukraine since 1994, who shared the experience of monitoring of electoral processes in the context of international and Ukrainian realities.

At the end of the round table Deputy Secretary-General of the International Commission on Human Rights, Ambassador at Large in Europe - Kiperman Yuri Moiseevich awarded to graduates of the Project School-Intensive organized by the International Commission on Human Rights and the Academy of Modern Policy on preparation of observers to the local elections in Ukraine license observers .

The result of the project:
1) Intensive Courses schools on preparation of observers to the local elections in Ukraine were more than 1,000 people. As a result of testing more than 350 people have received certificates of observers to the local elections in Ukraine on 25 October.
2) Launched a contact center for the registration and processing of operational
3) The process of the formation of a working group on the operating time of the draft government program for the development of political education;
4) received the support of the project from a group of US congressmen to the planning of further cooperation

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