Grand Order Of the Noble Hand of Honor
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Thank you so much for honoring me and noticing my modest work through British Council Audytorium, „ PALADEC”
Thank You so much for Ambassador at Large H.E. Dr Sani Friday for For take this award on my behalf. A dignified and professional representation of IHRC at this wonderful celebration

The award was given by H.E Jewel Taylor Vice President of Liberia , Hon Cynthia and Hon Cecelia ( Ministers at Government of Ghana. It was a privilege.
Certyficate of Honor
In recognition of your outstanding vitrues and selfless services in procecting the twelve rights of a child as contained in the declaration, conventions and other instruments of the African Union and the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Advisory Councils and in exercise of the power vested in them HEREBY award you to have and enjoy the title, dignity and all the privileges of
Grand Order Of the Noble Hand of Honor
Which is coferrend on
Sir Rafal Marcin Wasik
At the Child Summit held at the British Council Audytorium, Accra, Ghana
on the Seventh Day of September in the Year Twinty Nineten