Cote d'Ivoire - Democratic Elections
Missions > Monitoring > Africa > Cote d'Ivoire

I -Introduction
in order to support the electoral processes, in particular among others those of the legislative elections of March 6, 2021 in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, in accordance with international and regional instruments and mechanisms, followed indeed by strict respect for human rights during electoral cycles, through the deployment of national and international observers from different African countries in order to make effective the African integration advocated by the African Union which must be a reality for our continent.
the joint observation mission of Electoral Experts in this case of (IHRC-Regional and National Coordination for the Country Program, of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa in Abreviated ( CEMAC) of the Community of Sahel-Saharan States ( CEN-SAD) and of the African Union therefore (AU) focused on the period of the electoral campaign, the regularity, transparency, fairness, and the proper conduct of the ballot in accordance with the principles governing democratic elections in Africa as well as the constitution and laws of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire

The electoral campaign took place throughout the national territory in an atmosphere of social cohesion, peace, without any incident and of course in strict respect for human rights and democratic rules.
On polling day, the polling stations opened on time and the joint observation mission of Electoral Experts visited several polling stations to observe the voting, the counting and the transmission of results and at the level of greater Abidjan. in particular the centers of the commune of Cocody ranging from that of the Lycee Sainte Marie de cocody, also of the Lycee Classique d'Abidjan, Insaac, etc ... and even in other centers of different districts in the greater Abidjan such as that the polling centers in the municipalities of Treichville, Koumassi, Port-Bouet, Marcory, Plateau and .. and even within the country so Yamoussoukro, Agboville, Grand Bassam etc ..
The staff of the polling stations was present in all the polling stations, in all the polling stations visited the presence of the representatives of the different parties was effective, the Joint Mission of Electoral Experts also noted the presence of the defense and security forces. in the polling centers and int maintained order with strict respect for human rights.
The Joint Observation Mission of Electoral Experts, thanks the Ivorian Head of State His Excellency Mr. ALASSANE OUATTARA, and the entire political class, for having made no effort to ensure the success of the said ballot. It also urges the Ivorian people to safeguard the climate of social cohesion, of peace which prevailed until then, to respect the verdict of the ballot box, and to resort only to the legal route for possible challenges, if necessary.

In general, the Joint Observation Mission of Electoral Experts notes the transparent nature observed in the conduct of counting and counting operations, and the announcement of partial results by the Agents of the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI) on the polling places in attendance of the representatives of the candidates and the électoral observers , no incident likely to disturb the sincerity of the vote was noted by the joint observers mission of the International Électoral Experts .